What to expect at MEZCOPH Facilities: Spring 2021

Feb. 24, 2021

UArizona College of Public Health

Stage 2 Edition

As we move into Stage 2, we want to make sure you know what to expect regarding building access, mail and other helpful resources you might need during this time.

  1. Building access schedule
    1. Starting February 22, 2021 through the end of the semester: 1st floor of Drachman Hall A will be open Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:45pm.
    2. 2nd floor of Drachman Hall A will be CatCard access only.
    3. 3rd floor will remain accessible Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:45pm.
    4. If you have any access related questions/needs, please email: COPH-Facilities@arizona.edu.
  2. Mail and deliveries
    1. Mail and deliveries will continue to be received and sorted in the 3rd floor mail room of Drachman Hall. Mail is being distributed to your office in Drachman Hall unless other arrangements for retrieval have been made.
  3. Keep the building clean and pest free
    1. If you won’t be working in the building, please completely remove all food items from your desk, office, or workspace (kitchen too!) to help abate rodents and other non-human visitors.
    2. Don’t forget to clean out your food items from your community/shared refrigerators; the university cleaning staff does not clean these items and they do need your attention from time to time.
    3. Learn more about our COVID-19 Cleaning Process.
  4. Computer lab access
    1. The MEZCOPH computer lab will be open Monday – Friday, during normal business hours if staffing permits. There are four seats available for use in the lab.
    2. Special notes:
      1. Un-scheduled IT support will not be available during this time. If you need support, please submit a support ticket by emailing coph-help@arizona.edu or call (520) 626-7417 and leave a detailed message with a description of your problem.
      2. Please do not move any furniture in the computer lab. It has been placed to ensure social distancing protocols are being adhered to.
      3. If the door is closed, the lab is not open; please look at informational signage on outside of the lab for suggestions for other open computer labs.
  5. Face Coverings
    1. Reminder: employees, students and visitors must use face coverings as follows:
      1. Classrooms: you are required to wear a face covering in all classrooms and other group instructional settings at all times.
      2. Indoors: you are required to wear a face covering in all university buildings, unless you are alone in a single occupancy office.
      3. Outdoors: you are required to wear a face covering while in any University of Arizona outdoor space where continuous physical distancing of at least 6 feet is difficult or impossible to maintain.
  6. Facilities or other needs not covered by this memo
    1. Please contact MEZCOPH Facilities at COPH-Facilities@arizona.edu for any other facilities related needs during this time.

Library and other resources:

COVID-19 Additional Services:

  • Facilities Management Custodial Services Strict Isolation Teams with Personal Protective Equipment and disinfecting solutions are ready to address all areas that need a thorough disinfecting and to provide support to Student Union and Residence Life as needed. Please notify Rachel Ramos at rachelramos@arizona.edu if you have a positive COVID case that requires sanitizing services. 
  • Additional daily disinfecting will take place at Campus Health and the Student Recreation Buildings.
  • Classrooms: After being disinfected, classrooms will be locked and secured until classes resume.
  • Common Areas: Increased frequency of disinfecting will take place on a daily basis.