American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Center (ALA-ACRC)

The American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers (ACRC) network is a network of asthma and airways experts with access to a nationwide and demographically representative study population, for the purpose of decreasing the prevalence, morbidity and mortality of asthma and COPD. The basic activities of the network and its data coordinating center include:  Developing a collective data base of well characterized patients with asthma and COPD who can serve as potential research participants;  Collecting core data from recruited participants;  Communicating information gained from network activities to local Lung Associations and the populations they serve;  Participating interactively in developing grant and contract proposals. Such proposals may be extensions of initial projects proposed in the applications of individual centers, or may involve emerging new priorities that arise as a consequence of developments within the field.  Participate in development of presentations and publications based on network research.
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End Year
Lynn Gerald