COPH Research Area
There is increasing evidence suggesting that women with endometriosis may have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. This project overcomes limitations that have challenged previous studies of endometriosis and long-term health outcomes and leverages long-term longitudinal data from an established cohort, with detailed information collected on endometriosis, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and potential confounding and intermediate factors. Understanding the relation between endometriosis and cardiometabolic conditions may increase our understanding of disease etiology, influence screening recommendations, and ultimately reduce excess morbidity and mortality among the substantial proportion of women experiencing endometriosis worldwide. More information about this projet can be found here.
This project received funding from the Endometriosis Foundation of America. Stacey Missmer, ScD., from Michigan State University is a Co-Investigator for this project.
Start Year
End Year
Leslie Farland