COPH Research Area
The contractor provided specialized Services related to the development of new technology and methods for improved monitoring and detection of microbiological and chemical contaminants in the drinking water distribution system. These Services were focused on improving Tucson Water's investigative capabilities by providing real...time contaminant data in the field. Real-time data can be used to assist in the selection of proper analyses techniques and to determine appropriate responses to emergent events. The Services included development of a Water Quality Measurement Instrument, a smartphone application coupled with a multi-channel paper microfluidic assay, which will identify and quantify waterborne pathogens in water samples. The paper microfluidic assay employs antibody-conjugated latex particles to capture antigens produced by viruses and bacteria present in a water sample. The custom smartphone application analyzes images produced from the paper microfluidic assay and calculates the concentration of specific pathogens (such as 1) that may be present in a water sample.
Start Year
End Year
Kelly Reynolds