Inhaled Environmental Exposures and Anti-mullerian Hormone Levels, a Marker of Reproductive Health

Firefighters are exposed to many harmful materials and conditions while fighting fires. These hazardous exposures put them at risk for damaging health effects, including those that may negatively impact female reproductive health. Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) can be used as a measure of ovarian reserve, or the quantity of eggs in the ovaries. Exposure to harmful substances has been shown to decrease AMH. We will measure the AMH levels of female firefighters and compare them to the AMH levels of females who are not firefighters. The AMH measurements will be done using dried blood spots (DBS). We believe that the AMH levels will be lower in firefighters compared to non-firefighters. Also, we believe that those who have been firefighters for longer than others will have lower AMH. This project is receiving federal funding. 
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Leslie Farland