Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Public Health Emergency Program

Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) are a critical set of actions that public health takes to mitigate the effects of infectious diseases in a population.  These actions can vary widely from isolation and quarantine, closure of public venues, environmental clean-up or decontamination, and hand hygiene.  However, studies have shown that the public’s compliance to NPI recommendations can be limited.  In order to better engage the public during an outbreak of an emerging or reemerging disease, such as Ebola, public health agencies could benefit from additional information on (1) ways to make NPIs more acceptable, (2) the best ways to disseminate the information to the general public and key target groups, particularly through social media, and (3) content that is more likely to motivate action.  The main objective of this project was to determine current engagement and successful messaging of NPI activities to across Arizona and determine acceptability of messaging by target groups; i.e. do they see the importance of the message being conveyed. This project received support from the Arizona Department of Health Services. 
Start Year
End Year
Kristen Pogreba-Brown
Kacey Ernst
Erika Austhof