PetAirapy Pathogen Chamber Study

Each year, an estimated 8-10 million animals will be housed in animal shelter. These animals are susceptible to infectious diseases during their confinement. Many organisms have been discovered in animal shelters including feline noroviruses, sapovirus, canine circoviruses, canine influenza, feline calicivirus, and many others. Sheltered animals are at increased exposure and infection risk due to dense housing conditions and community transmissions of pathogens. The goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a passive air purification technology developed by PetAirapy, LLC. Under controlled conditions of air flow, humidity, and containment, the PetAirapy unit will be evaluated for efficacy of seeded aerosolized virus (bacteriophage MS2) removal from the air.
Start Year
End Year
Marc Verhougstraete