COPH Research Area
This project implemented by Campesinso Sin Fronteras utilizes the promotora
model to conduct health outreach and education to farmworker community in
South Yuma County. I am overseeing the process of participatory evaluation
which focuses on several activities. A core activity is the delivery of the
Su Corazon Su Vida curriculum with an enhanced focus on the role of stress
and depression on health behaviors. In addition, a leadership curriculum
seeks to teach parents to advocate for their children in the school. The
project also seeks to improve the cultural competency of the Sunset Community
Health Center through provider and staff training. Evaluation of SCHC efforts
focuses on patient satisfaction and knowledge of cultural competency among
staff. MPH students who have served as graduate assistants on this project
receive a community based experience and training in participatory
Start Year
End Year
Maia Ingram