Salud Si Evaluation Contract

I facilitated a process of participatory evaluation with Mariposa Community Health Center on a program entitled Salud Si, a health promotion project targeting Latinas of child bearing age that was originally funded in 2000 and developed with our collaboration. Salud Si utilized CHWs to provides weekly nutrition classes, physical activity opportunities, and emotional support as strategies to improve nutrition and physical activity behavior. Coping with stress is also addressed. The contract included a study of the maintenance of behavioral and health outcomes that had been established through prior evaluation.Analysis of 5 years of pre/post questionnaires was being complemented with qualitative data collected by the program director and myself with a sample of women who graduated at least one year prior to the time of interview. A final report was submitted to Mariposa and the results of this evaluaiton guided decisions to sustain the program within Mariposa. A collaborative manuscript was prepared and submitted on evaluation findings.
Start Year
End Year
Maia Ingram