State Office of Rural Health Grant

This grant provides funds for some rural health research and evaluation activities. The following were conducted in 2012 and some are continuing into 2013.Each activitie is identified as research, service, or training. RESEARCH: Conducted an Investigation of Rural Women's Health Literacy Levels and Preferred Sources of Health Information - IRB approval was secured early in 2012, data was collected from 350 subjects between February and May 2012, data analysis was conducted from August to December 2012, and data analysis is still ongoing. RESEARCH: Evaluation of the impact of the MEZCOP Arizona Rural Health Professions Program's rurally-based week-long, intensive service-learning courses on public health graduate students subsequent career plans and choices related to rural practice. Planning of this research project began in November 2012, and the IRB application will be submitted by the end of February 2013. The project will survey all MEZCOPH current students and alumni who have participated in any of the rural or underserved area Service-Learning Institutes since they began in 2008. The purpose of the survey will be to determine if the goal of the Rural Health Professions Program - to increase the numbers of public health students who practice in rural and underserved communities in the state of Arizona - is being achieved. SERVICE: Conducted two Community Conversations on Health Care - one in Marana and one in Ajo - to collect community health needs assessment data, and document the findings through a report for each event provided to the community and published on the Center for Rural Health Website. This research project will continue throughout 2013. SERVICE: Performed additional collection, analysis, and publication on the Center for Rural Health Website of existing health-related data resources for the border counties of Cochise, Santa Cruz and Yuma in the in the "Arizona Border Region Data Resources and Virtual Library." This project will continue throughout 2013. SERVICE: Planned and conducted a community needs assessment project for Mohave County Health Department and Kingman Regional Medical Center in Kingmam, Lak Havasu, and Bullhead City. Reports documenting findings were prepared for each site and delivered to the Mohave County Health Department. Project is still ongoing. TRAINING: Provided Community Health Needs Assessment skills training to selected staff of the Mohave and Navajo County Health Departments. Training for others is planned for 2013.
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End Year