Jon Kabat-Zinn Speaks on Mindfulness to Large UA Crowd

March 10, 2014

Internationally known mindfulness coach Jon Kabat-Zinn spoke at the University of Arizona on March 7, 2014. Watch the video here.

University Communications | Through mindful meditation, students have experienced heighted concentration, professional athletes have improved team cohesion and performance and psoriasis suffers have seen improvement in healing.

This power resides in each of us, international mindfulness coach Jon Kabat-Zinn told a crowd of 700 people at the UA Medical Center during a standing-room-only lecture on March 7.

Kabat-Zinn is working globally to bring mindfulness and meditation into mainstream medicine. He shared his research and other insights during the James E. Dalen Distinguished Lecture for Health Policy, an endowed series held annually by the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.  Read more >

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