Academic Health Department
Designated Campus Colleagues
As a component of the Academic Health Department, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health’s (MEZCOPH) Department Chairs currently sponsor Designated Campus Colleagues from local health departments.
As Designated Campus Colleagues, health department employees may access UA libraries, are provided with a UA email, and CatCard access to UA buildings. The Designated Campus Colleague positions are vital in advancing the Academic Health Department’s goals to develop academic and educational cooperation on the basis of equality and reciprocity to promote sustainable partnerships and mutually reinforcing activities.
Designated Campus Colleagues are encouraged to meet regularly with MEZCOPH faculty to discuss shared research interests. MEZCOPH Department Chairs work with Designated Campus Colleagues to make connections with additional faculty at MEZCOPH.
More information about Designated Campus Colleagues can be found through the University of Arizona's Human Resources Website.